E X P R E S S| Yourself

I personally believe that "FASHION" is nothing without "STYLE". 

When I am expressing myself through my style, I don't look for brand name, or the latest trend on social media to follow; I look for inspiration that I can re-create and make my own. My friend MimiBlaque.com and I always joke about how she and I can purchase the same clothing but no one would ever know that we have the same things. I have learned that when people say "I love your outfit", they are truly saying "I love your sense of style, the way you EXPRESS yourself".

Ladies, remeber when you are putting together your next little ensemble, to EXPRESS Yourself.

Side note: I am a firm believer that the clothing store EXPRESS.com is large bust friendly because everything fits just perfectly!

Dress- Express
Flower Crown- Claires.com

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